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Top Shot Competitions are conducted through the use of outpost, district or regional events held between January 1st and December 31st each year. Each event must utilize the specified guidelines to qualify. Results (scores) are mailed to a specified location using official reporting forms where they are compared to other results from throughout the nation. Scores are tabulated and awards are posted and sent to individuals as specified by the event guidelines.

Top Shot Competitions are available in the following categories:​



Each Royal Ranger district should have a Royal Ranger National Shooting Sports Coordinator. These coordinators are familiar with setting up NSSP Top Shot Competitions. They have a wealth of resources and specialized certifications which can help your outpost practice for and compete in NSSP Top Shot Competitions.  Your district Royal Ranger National Shooting Sports Program Coordinator is the subject matter expert who can help on anything shooting sports related.


Royal Rangers NSSP Events

There are numerous NSSP Events that Royal Rangers – individually or as a team – can participate in throughout the year for fun and competition. Talk with your Royal Rangers Leader to learn about the NSSP Events in your Outpost or about starting an NSSP Outpost Team.


Find out what NSSP Events are happening in your District by contacting an outpost near you (see Outpost Locator information here).


National Championships may be conducted at National Camporama or National Rendezvous. Details concerning any of these events are included in the Camporama or Rendezvous promotional materials.


Other Events, Competitions, and Programs

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